In Informix, you can use the SERIAL data type to automatically generates IDs (auto-increment values) for columns.
CREATE TABLE teams ( id SERIAL NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(70) ); -- Let's insert a few rows INSERT INTO teams VALUES (0, 'AC Milan'); INSERT INTO teams VALUES (0, 'Manchester City');
When 0 value is inserted into a SERIAL column, Informix inserts the next ID (a 32-bit integer value):
Table data
id | name |
1 | AC Milan |
2 | Manchester City |
Oracle does not have SERIAL data type or IDENTITY (AUTO_INCREMENT) column property, but you can use a sequence and a trigger to implement this functionality.
Why trigger, not just DEFAULT? Oracle does not allow using a sequence in the column DEFAULT clause.
CREATE TABLE teams ( id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(70) ); CREATE SEQUENCE teams_seq START WITH 3 INCREMENT BY 1; // Trigger to automatically assign ID values CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER teams_seq_tr BEFORE INSERT ON teams FOR EACH ROW WHEN ( IS NULL OR = 0) BEGIN SELECT teams_seq.NEXTVAL INTO FROM dual; END; /
Note that we started the Oracle sequence with 3 taking into account existing data migrated from Informix. See Get Next SERIAL Value to find out how to define the next ID in Informix.
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Written by Dmitry Tolpeko, - February 2013.