INTERVAL Data Type - PostgreSQL to Oracle Migration

In PostgreSQL, the INTERVAL data type stores date and time interval. In Oracle, you have to use either INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH or INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type.

Note that PostgreSQL supports different formats of interval literals, and in most cases you need to change them for Oracle.


  -- A sample table
  CREATE TABLE shipment
     name VARCHAR(70),
     ordered TIMESTAMP,
     delivery INTERVAL
  -- Specify an interval as string literal
  INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('Orange', NOW(), '3 days 4 hours'); 
  -- Define the delivery date
  SELECT ordered, ordered + delivery FROM shipment;
  # 2013-02-21 19:23:25.751 | 2013-02-24 23:23:25.751


  -- A sample table
  CREATE TABLE shipment
     name2 VARCHAR2(70),
     ordered TIMESTAMP,
     delivery INTERVAL DAY(3) TO SECOND
  -- Specify an interval as string literal
  INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('Orange', SYSTIMESTAMP, '3 4:0:0'); 
  -- Define the delivery date
  SELECT ordered, ordered + delivery FROM shipment;
  # 2013-02-21 19:23:25.751 | 2013-02-24 23:23:25.751

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