|| String Concatenation Operator - Oracle to MySQL Migration

In Oracle you can use || operator to concatenate strings. In MySQL you have to use CONCAT function.


   -- Concatenate strings
   SELECT 'New ' || 'York ' || 'City' FROM dual;
   # New York City


   -- Concatenate strings
   SELECT CONCAT('New ', 'York ', 'City');
   # New York City

Note that Oracle || operator and MySQL CONCAT function handle NULL values differently (see below).

|| to CONCAT Conversion Overview

Oracle || operator to MySQL CONCAT conversion:

Oracle MySQL
Syntax string1 || string2 || … CONCAT(string1, string2, …)
NULL Value Treated as '' (empty string) Result is NULL
All NULLs Result is NULL Result is NULL
Implicit Conversion Number and datetime Number and datetime
Alternatives CONCAT function 2 parameters only || operator if PIPES_AS_CONCAT is set

|| to CONCAT Conversion Details

In Oracle, a NULL value in any string expression is treated as '' (empty string).


   SELECT 'The city' || ' is ' || NULL FROM dual;
   # The city is

But if all expressions evaluate to NULL, || operator returns NULL, not empty string.

   # NULL

In MySQL, CONCAT function returns NULL if any expression is NULL:


   SELECT CONCAT('The city', ' is ', NULL);
   # NULL

In MySQL, you have to use IFNULL function to replace nullable expressions with empty string to get the same result as in Oracle:

   SELECT CONCAT('The city', ' is ', IFNULL(NULL, ''));
   # The city is

Non-String Parameters Implicit Conversion

Both Oracle || operator and MySQL CONCAT function implicitly convert numbers and datetime values to string before concatenation


  SELECT 1 || 'st' FROM dual;
  # 1st
  SELECT 'Today is ' || SYSDATE FROM dual;
  # Today is 28-MAY-12


  SELECT CONCAT(1, 'st');
  # 1st
  SELECT CONCAT('Today is ', SYSDATE());
  # Today is 2013-02-28 12:05:43

Using || Operator in MySQL

You can enable || operator in MySQL if you set PIPES_AS_CONCAT option.


  -- Save sql_mode settings
  SET @old_sql_mode=@@sql_mode;
  -- Enable || for string concatenation
  SET @@sql_mode=PIPES_AS_CONCAT;
  SELECT 'The city' || ' is ' || 'Paris';
  # The city is Paris
  -- If any expression is NULL, the entire result is NULL
  SELECT 'The city' || ' is ' || NULL;
  # NULL
  SET @@sql_mode=@old_sql_mode;

Note than even when || operator is enabled, the concatenation result is NULL if any expression in NULL.

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Written by Dmitry Tolpeko - February 2013.

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