SQLines Data Tool - Database Migration from Oracle to SQL Server

SQLines Data is a scalable, high performance data transfer, schema conversion and validation tool for Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server migration.

The tool requires connections to Oracle (OCI) and SQL Server (SQL Server Native Client) databases. To convert SQL statements and scripts, use SQLines SQL Converter tool.

Why SQLines Data

SQLines Data benefits:

Migration Features

  • All Data Types
  • NOT NULL Constraints
  • DEFAULT Clauses
  • CHECK Constraints
  • Primary and Foreign Keys
  • Unique Constraints
  • Indexes
  • Comments on Tables and Columns
  • Schema Name Mapping

You can use SQLines SQL Converter tool to convert stored procedures, functions, triggers, views and other objects.

Scalability and High-Performance

  • Transferring tables in multiple concurrent sessions
  • Performing concurrent read and write operations in each session
  • Using Oracle OCI with array processing to extract data from Oracle
  • Using SQL Server Native Client Bulk Copy API to insert data to SQL Server
  • Multi-threaded C/C++ application
  • Linux and Windows

Migration Validation

  • Comparing the number of rows in Oracle and SQL Server tables
  • Comparing data values in all columns

Designed for DBAs and Enterprise-Class Migrations

  • Easy to set up and configure the transfer of a large number of tables
  • Wildcards to select and exclude tables
  • Comprehensive performance stats to help you tune the data transfer
  • No space required to hold Oracle export
  • No Oracle ODBC driver and ADO.NET providers required
  • No .NET dependency
  • No installation required

Logging and Statistics

  • Comprehensive performance stats to help you tune the data transfer
  • Execution time for each DDL statement
  • Read and write performance for each table (rows/sec and bytes/sec)
  • Saving all executed DDL SQL statements into .sql file
  • Saving all failed DDL SQL statements into a separate .sql file
  • Summary performance information

SQLines Data in Command Line

You can use SQLines Data tool in command line. Just launch sqldata.exe on Windows or ./sqldata on Linux with the specified options.

For information how to set up Oracle and SQL Server connections, see SQLines Data Connection String Formats.


  • Transfer a single table
sqldata -t=emp -sd=oracle, user/pwd@host/sid -td=sql, user/pwd@host,db_name

-t option defines the table name, -sd and -td options (source and target databases) specify the connection strings for Oracle and SQL Server, respectively.

This command transfers table emp from Oracle database to SQL Server db_name database located on host.

For list of options, see Command Line Reference.

Troubleshooting SQLines Data

Troubleshooting SQLines Data for Oracle to SQL Server migration:

Datetime field overflow - Year 1753 Issue

SQLines Data maps Oracle DATE to SQL Server DATETIME by default. Sometimes you can face “Datetime field overflow” errors. Read the article how to resolve this.