Here you can purchase licenses for SQLines tools:
SQLines SQL Converter helps you convert database schema (DDL), queries and DML statements, views, stored procedures, packages, functions and triggers. To migrate data please use SQLines Data tool.
Note. After you purchase a license, please edit license.txt supplied with SQLines tool and specify your name and the license key.
IMPORTANT NOTE. 100% automated conversion of arbitrary SQL code from one database platform to another is not trivial, and manual refinement may be required to complete the conversion.
Please especially take attention if you need to convert platform specific or system SQL code that may not have direct implementation in the target platform, so neither automated or even manual conversion is possible, and complete re-design is required.
Any doubt or question? Please contact us at
You can purchase SQLines SQL Converter license(s) online (your country VAT can be applied) or request a wire transfer (no VAT required):
SQLines Data tool migrates database schema (tables, constraints, indexes and sequences) and data, it does not convert views, stored procedures, functions, and triggers, please use SQLines SQL Converter to convert them.
Note. After you purchase a license, please edit license.txt supplied with SQLines tool and specify your name and the license key.
You can purchase SQLines Data license(s) online (your country VAT can be applied) or request a wire transfer (no VAT required):