SQLines tools can help you transfer data, convert database schema (DDL), views, stored procedures, functions, triggers, queries and SQL scripts from SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (Sybase ASE) to Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL, MS SQL), Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse.
SQLines SQL Converter converts database schema (DDL), queries and DML statements, views, stored procedures, functions and triggers from Sybase ASE to SQL Server.
The tool converts SQL scripts and standalone SQL statements. To migrate data and database schema from a live Sybase ASE database use SQLines Data tool.
Try SQLines Online or download a Desktop Version. For more information, see Overview.
SQLines Data is a high performance data transfer, schema conversion and data validation tool for Sybase ASE to SQL Server migration. For more information, see SQLines Data.
Converting data types:
Converting functions:
Sybase ASE | SQL Server | |||
1 | ABS(num) | Get the absolute value | ABS(num) | |
2 | ACOS(num) | Get the arc cosine | ACOS(num) | |
3 | ASCII(str) | Get ASCII code of left-most char | ASCII(str) | |
4 | ASEHOSTNAME() | Get the workstation name | HOST_NAME() | |
5 | ASIN(num) | Get the arc sine | ASIN(num) | |
6 | ATAN(num) | Get the arc tangent | ATAN(num) | |
7 | ATN2(x, y) | Get arctangent of x and y | ATN2(x, y) | |
8 | BIGINTTOHEX(exp) | Convert bigint to 8-byte hex | CONVERT(VARBINARY(8), CAST(exp AS BIGINT)) | |
9 | BINTOSTR(exp) | Convert hexadecimal to string | ||
10 | CEILING(num) | Get the smallest following integer | CEILING(num) | |
11 | CHAR(num) | Get character from ASCII code | CHAR(num) | |
12 | CHAR_LENGTH(string) | Get length of string in characters | LEN(string) | |
13 | CHARINDEX(substr, str) | Get position of substr | CHARINDEX(substr, str) | |
14 | COALESCE(exp1, exp2, …) | Return first non-NULL expression | COALESCE(exp1, exp2, …) | |
15 | COL_LENGTH('table', 'col') | Get length of column | COL_LENGTH('table', 'col') | |
16 | COL_NAME(tbl_id, col_id) | Get name of column | COL_NAME(tbl_id, col_id) | |
17 | COMPARE(str, str2) | Compare two strings | User-defined function | |
18 | CONVERT(dataype, exp) | Convert to another datatype | CONVERT(dataype, exp) | |
19 | COS(num) | Get the cosine | COS(num) | |
20 | COT(num) | Get the cotangent | COT(num) | |
21 | CURRENT_BIGDATETIME() | Get the current date and time | GETDATE() | |
22 | CURRENT_BIGTIME() | Get the current time with fraction | GETDATE() | |
23 | CURRENT_DATE() | Get the current date | CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE()) | |
24 | CURRENT_TIME() | Get the current time | GETDATE() | |
25 | DATALENGTH(exp) | Get length of exp in bytes | DATALENGTH(exp) | |
26 | DATEADD(unit, num, date) | Add an interval to datetime | DATEADD(unit, num, date) | |
27 | DATEDIFF(unit, start, end) | Get datetime difference in units | DATEDIFF(unit, start, end) | |
28 | DATENAME(datepart, date) | Get datepart as string | DATENAME(datepart, date) | |
29 | DATEPART(datepart, date) | Get datepart as interger | DATEPART(datepart, date) | |
30 | DAY(datetime) | Extract day from datetime | DAY(datetime) | |
31 | DB_ID(['database_name']) | Get ID number of database | DB_ID(['database_name']) | |
32 | DB_INSTANCEID() | Get ID number of instance | @@SERVICENAME | |
33 | DB_NAME(['database_id']) | Get the name of database | DB_NAME(['database_id']) | |
34 | DEGREES(num) | Convert radians to degrees | DEGREES(num) | |
35 | EXP(n) | Raise e to the nth power | EXP(n) | |
36 | FLOOR(num) | Get the largest preceding integer | FLOOR(num) | |
37 | GETDATE() | Get the current date and time | GETDATE() | |
38 | GETUTCDATE() | Get the current UTC datetime | GETUTCDATE() | |
39 | HEXTOBIGINT(exp) | Convert hexadecimal to bigint | CONVERT(BIGINT, exp) | |
40 | HEXTOINT(exp) | Convert hexadecimal to integer | CONVERT(INT, exp) | |
41 | HOST_ID() | Get the workstation ID | HOST_ID() | |
42 | HOST_NAME() | Get the workstation name | HOST_NAME() | |
43 | INDEX_COL(obj, id, key) | Get indexed column name | INDEX_COL(obj, id, key) | |
44 | INDEX_COLORDER | Get column order | User-defined function | |
45 | INDEX_NAME | Get index name | User-defined function | |
46 | INSTANCE_ID() | Get ID number of instance | @@SERVICENAME | |
47 | INSTANCE_NAME() | Get name of instance | @@SERVICENAME | |
48 | INTTOHEX(integer) | Convert integer to hexadecimal | CONVERT(VARBINARY(8), integer) | |
49 | ISDATE(string) | Check for a valid datetime | ISDATE(string) | |
50 | ISNULL(exp, replace) | Replace NULL | ISNULL(exp, replace) | |
51 | ISNUMERIC(string) | Check for a valid numeric | ISNUMERIC(string) | |
52 | IS_SINGLEUSERMODE() | Check for a single-user mode | User-defined function | |
53 | LEFT(string, n) | Get n leftmost characters | LEFT(string, n) | |
54 | LEN(string) | Get length of string in characters | LEN(string) | |
55 | LOG(numeric) | Get natural logarithm | LOG(numeric) | |
56 | LOG10(numeric) | Get base 10 logarithm | LOG10(numeric) | |
57 | LOWER(string) | Lowercase string | LOWER(string) | |
58 | LTRIM(string) | Remove leading spaces | LTRIM(string) | |
59 | MONTH(date) | Extract month from date | MONTH(date) | |
60 | NEWID([flag]) | Generate GUIDs | NEWID() | |
61 | NEXT_IDENTITY('table') | Get next identity value of table | IDENT_CURRENT('table') + IDENT_INCR('table') | |
62 | NULLIF(exp1, exp2) | Return NULL if exp1 = exp2 | NULLIF(exp1, exp2) | |
63 | OBJECT_ID(name) | Get database object ID | OBJECT_ID(name) | |
64 | OBJECT_NAME(id [,db_id]) | Get database object name | OBJECT_NAME(id [,db_id]) | |
65 | OBJECT_OWNER_ID(id) | Get database object’s owner ID | OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'OwnerId') | |
66 | PARTITION_ID(table, ptn) | Get partition ID | User-defined function | |
67 | PARTITION_NAME(indid, id) | Get partition name | ||
68 | PARTITION_OBJECT_ID(id) | Get object ID for specified ptn ID | User-defined function | |
69 | PASSWORD_RANDOM(len) | Get pseudorandom password | User-defined function | |
70 | PATINDEX(pattern, string) | Get starting position of pattern | PATINDEX(pattern, string) | |
71 | PI() | Get number pi | PI() | |
72 | POWER(value, n) | Raise value to the nth power | POWER(value, n) | |
73 | RADIANS(numeric) | Convert degrees to radians | RADIANS(numeric) | |
74 | RAND([integer]) | Get random float value in (0, 1) | RAND([integer]) | |
75 | RAND2() | Var. RAND for each returned row | ||
76 | REPLICATE(string, n) | Repeat string n times | REPLICATE(string, n) | |
77 | RESERVE_IDENTITY(tbl, n) | Repeat string n times | ||
78 | REVERSE(string) | Get reverse string | REVERSE(string) | |
79 | RIGHT(string, n) | Get n rightmost characters | RIGHT(string, n) | |
80 | ROUND(num, integer) | Get rounded value | ROUND(num, integer) | |
81 | RTRIM(string) | Remove trailing spaces | RTRIM(string) | |
82 | SIGN(exp) | Get sign of exp | SIGN(exp) | |
83 | SIN(num) | Get sine | SIN(num) | |
84 | SOUNDEX(string) | Get 4-character sound code | SOUNDEX(string) | |
85 | SPACE(integer) | Get string of spaces | SPACE(integer) | |
86 | SPID_INSTANCE_ID(spid) | Get instance ID by spid | ||
87 | SQUARE(exp) | Get square | SQUARE(exp) | |
88 | SQRT(num) | Get square root | SQRT(num) | |
89 | STR_REPLACE(s, sub, r) | Replace substring | REPLACE(s, sub, r) | |
90 | STRTOBIN(exp) | Convert string to hexadecimal | ||
91 | STUFF(exp, start, len, rep) | Replace characters in string | STUFF(exp, start, len, rep) | |
92 | SUBSTRING(exp, pos, len) | Get a substring of exp | SUBSTRING(exp, pos, len) | |
93 | SUSER_ID(exp) | Get the server user’s ID | SUSER_ID(exp) | |
94 | SUSER_NAME(exp) | Get the server user’s name | SUSER_NAME(exp) | |
95 | TAN(num) | Get tangent | TAN(num) | |
96 | TEXTPTR(exp) | Get pointer that conform to LOB | TEXTPTR(exp) | |
97 | TEXTVALID(exp, pointer) | Check validity of a pointer | TEXTVALID(exp, pointer) | |
98 | TO_UNICHAR(int) | Convert int to Unicode character | CONVERT(NVARCHAR, int) | |
99 | TSEQUAL(value1, value2) | Compare two timestamp values | value1 = value2 | |
100 | UHIGHSURR(exp, start) | Check for higher part of surrogate pair | ||
101 | ULOWSURR(exp, start) | Check for lower part of surrogate pair | ||
102 | UPPER(string) | Uppercase string | UPPER(string) | |
103 | USCALAR(exp) | Get Unicode code of exp | UNICODE(exp) | |
104 | USER | Get the current user | SYSTEM_USER | |
105 | USER_ID([user_name]) | Get user ID | USER_ID([user_name]) | |
106 | USER_NAME([user_id]) | Get user name | USER_NAME([user_id]) | |
107 | XMLEXTRACT(xpath, exp) | Extract XML data | ||
108 | XMLPARSE(exp) | Parse XML document | ||
109 | XMLREPRESENTATION(exp) | Check for XML content | ||
110 | XMLVALIDATE(exp) | Get XML with information | ||
111 | YEAR(date) | Extract year from date | YEAR(date) |