A PowerBuilder application for Oracle can contain an embedded SQL statement referencing the dual table that is used very often when you need to get the result of a built-in function, expression, or the next value from a sequence:
PowerBuilder for Oracle:
DATE ld_date; LONG ll_id; // Get the current datetime from the database SELECT SYSDATE INTO :ld_date FROM dual USING sqlca; // Get the next value from a sequence SELECT seq_countries.NEXTVAL INTO :ll_id FROM dual USING sqlca;
In Oracle, when you need to retrieve a single row based on an expression without accessing a table, you can use dual table:
-- Get the current datetime in format "Month Day, Year" (returns: Jul 16, 2012) SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'Mon DD, YYYY') FROM dual;
In SQL Server, you can use SELECT statement without specifying the FROM clause:
SQL Server:
-- Get the current datetime in format "Month Day, Year" (returns: Jul 16, 2012) SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 107);
Although you can omit the FROM clause in a SQL Server query, PowerBuilder does not allow you to specify an embedded SQL SELECT statement without FROM.
The following code produce a syntax error in PowerBuilder:
PowerBuilder for SQL Server:
// Raises a syntax error (FROM clause must be specified) SELECT GETDATE() INTO :ld_date USING sqlca;
To get around this problem, you either create a dual (or any single row table) in SQL Server, or use dynamic SQL:
PowerBuilder for SQL Server:
// Declare a cursor DECLARE cur DYNAMIC CURSOR FOR sqlca; PREPARE sqlca FROM "SELECT GETDATE()"; // Run the query and fetch the result OPEN DYNAMIC cur; FETCH cur INTO :ld_date; CLOSE cur;
SQLines offers services to convert PowerBuilder applications from Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server. For more information, please Contact Us.