Oracle database has object-oriented programming features that, for example, allow you to store complex object types and even collections of objects (arrays of objects) in a single table column.
JSON is a very popular way to get the same functionality in other databases and applications. Let's see how we can use a PL/SQL function to convert object types and collections to JSON string.
Let'a assume we need to get the following data as the result:
[ { "code":"SFO", "name":"San Francisco International Airport", "opened":1927 "hub":["Alaska Airlines","United Airlines","Virgin America"] }, { "code":"EWR", "name":"Newark Liberty International Airport", "opened":1928, "hub":["FedEx Express","United Airlines"] }, { "code":"SIN", "name":"Singapore Changi Airport", "opened":1981 "hub":["Singapore Airlines"] } ]
Originally data is stored in the Oracle database, and object types and collections are defined as follows:
-- Airline name CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE airline AS OBJECT (name VARCHAR2(30)); / -- List of airlines CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE airline_list IS TABLE OF airline; / -- Airport CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE airport AS OBJECT ( code CHAR(3), name VARCHAR2(70), opened NUMBER(4), hub airline_list ); / -- List of airports CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE airport_list IS TABLE OF airport; / -- Table CREATE TABLE air_stats ( id NUMBER(10), data airport_list ) NESTED TABLE data STORE AS nested_data (NESTED TABLE hub STORE AS hub_data);
Now let's insert data into air_stats table:
INSERT INTO air_stats VALUES (1, airport_list( airport('SFO', 'San Francisco International Airport', 1927, airline_list(airline('Alaska Airlines'), airline('United Airlines'), airline('Virgin America'))), airport('EWR', 'Newark Liberty International Airport', 1928, airline_list(airline('FedEx Express'), airline('United Airlines'))), airport('SIN', 'Singapore Changi Airport', 1981, airline_list(airline('Singapore Airlines'))) ) ); COMMIT;
Now let's write a PL/SQL user function that we will use to convert our complex object type to a JSON string.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION airport_list_to_json (data airport_list) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS json VARCHAR2(4000); ap airport; hub airline_list; BEGIN json := '['; FOR i IN NVL(data.FIRST, 0) .. NVL(data.LAST, -1) LOOP ap := data(i); IF i > 1 THEN json := json || ','; END IF; json := json || '{"code":"' || ap.code || '",'; json := json || '"name":"' || || '",'; json := json || '"opened":' || ap.opened || ','; hub := ap.hub; json := json || '"hub":['; FOR j IN NVL(hub.FIRST, 0) .. NVL(hub.LAST, -1) LOOP IF j > 1 THEN json := json || ','; END IF; json := json || '"' || hub(j).name || '"'; END LOOP; json := json || ']}'; END LOOP; json := json || ']'; RETURN json; END; /
Now if you apply this function on airport_list complex type, you will get the required JSON string:
SELECT airport_list_to_json(data) FROM air_stats; /* Query result: [{"code":"SFO","name":"San Francisco International Airport","opened":1927,"hub": ["Alaska Airlines","United Airlines","Virgin America"]},{"code":"EWR","name":"Ne wark Liberty International Airport","opened":1928,"hub":["FedEx Express","United Airlines"]},{"code":"SIN","name":"Singapore Changi Airport","opened":1981,"hub" :["Singapore Airlines"]}] */
Now having the PL/SQL function that converts complex object types data to JSON, you can use SQLines Data tool to transfer it into any other database.
You need to edit the sqlines_tsel.txt configuration file to specify the SELECT list expression for your table, for example:
SCOTT.AIR_STATS, ID, airport_list_to_json(data) AS data; |
Now SQLines Data tool will apply airport_list_to_json PL/SQL function to transform object type values to JSON.