Sybase SQL Anywhere LIST aggregate function concatenates strings from multiple rows into a single string.
In Microsoft SQL Server you can use STRING_AGG function, but it is available since SQL Server 2017 only , so you can also use STUFF function and FOR XML PATH clause of SELECT statement.
Consider the following sample table:
-- Sample table CREATE TABLE colors (name VARCHAR(30)); -- Sample data INSERT INTO colors VALUES ('Red'); INSERT INTO colors VALUES ('Orange'); INSERT INTO colors VALUES ('Blue'); INSERT INTO colors VALUES ('Orange');
Sybase SQL Anywhere:
-- Aggregate values, default delimiter is comma SELECT LIST(name) FROM colors; # Red,Orange,Blue,Orange -- Use ; as delimiter SELECT LIST(name, ';') FROM colors; # Red;Orange;Blue;Orange -- Order by name SELECT LIST(name ORDER BY name) FROM colors; # Blue,Orange,Orange,Red -- Unique values only SELECT LIST(DISTINCT name) FROM colors; # Blue,Orange,Red
SQL Server:
-- Aggregate values, default must be specified SELECT STRING_AGG(name, ',') FROM colors; # Red,Orange,Blue,Orange -- Order by name SELECT STRING_AGG(name, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY name) FROM colors; # Blue,Orange,Orange,Red -- Unique values only (using a subquery) SELECT STRING_AGG(name, ',') FROM (SELECT DISTINCT name FROM colors) c; # Blue,Orange,Red
In earlier SQL Server versions, you can use FOR XML XPATH clause of the SELECT statement to concatenate strings from multiple rows.
When FOR XML clause is specified SQL Server joins all rows into a single XML row as follows:
SQL Server:
-- Generate single row XML SELECT name FROM colors FOR XML PATH('') # <name>Red</name><name>Orange</name><name>Blue</name><name>Orange</name>
You can see XML tag around values. To remove them you can concatenate each value with a string literal:
-- Generate single row without XML tags SELECT ', ' + name FROM colors FOR XML PATH('') # , Red, Orange, Blue, Orange
Now we can just remove the leading comma ',' using STUFF function:
-- Removing the leading comma SELECT STUFF((SELECT ', ' + name FROM colors FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '') # Red, Orange, Blue, Orange
Single column in SELECT list and with GROUP BY
When there is GROUP BY clause you can use the following statement in SQL Server:
-- Implementing LIST for single column with GROUP BY SELECT STUFF((SELECT ', ' + name FROM cities WHERE state = c.state FOR XML PATH('')),1,2,'') FROM cities c GROUP BY state
name |
San Francisco, Los Angeles |
Boston |
New York |
Concatenate all or unique values
In the previous examples, the queries concatenate all values and the same value can be specified multiple times:
-- Concatenate values allowing duplicates SELECT STUFF((SELECT ', ' + state FROM cities FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')
name |
CA, CA, MA, NY |
But you can use DISTINCT keyword to concatenate only unique values:
-- Concatenate values excluding duplicates SELECT STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ', ' + state FROM cities FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')
name |
CA, MA, NY |
For more information, see Sybase SQL Anywhere to SQL Server Migration.