In Oracle, you can execute a stored procedure from another stored procedure just specifying its name and parameters. In MySQL, you have to use the CALL statement.
-- Sample procedure with parameters CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp1(param1 VARCHAR2, param2 VARCHAR2) IS var1 VARCHAR2(60); BEGIN var1 := param1 || ', ' || param2 || '!'; END; / -- Sample procedure without parameters CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp2 IS var1 VARCHAR2(60); BEGIN var1 := 'Hello, world!'; END; / -- Executing procedures from another procedure CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp3 IS BEGIN sp1('Hello', 'world'); -- You can call the procedure without parameters without or with () sp2(); sp2; END; /
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp3; DELIMITER // -- Executing procedures from another procedure CREATE PROCEDURE sp3() BEGIN CALL sp1('Hello', 'world'); -- You can call the procedure without parameters without or with (), but CALL is required CALL sp2(); CALL sp2; END; // DELIMITER ;
Note that the CALL keyword was added before the procedure name in MySQL.
For more information, see Oracle to MySQL Migration.