MySQL VARCHAR Data Type - Features, Examples and Equivalents

VARCHAR data type stores variable-length character data in single-byte and multibyte character sets.

Syntax VARCHAR(n)
Quick Example CREATE TABLE t (c VARCHAR(10));
Parameter n is the maximum number of characters
Range 0 ⇐ n ⇐ 65535/charsize 0 ⇐ n ⇐ 21844 for UTF-8 65,535 bytes shared by all columns
Default n must be specified
Padding Not right-padded with spaces to n
Trailing Spaces Stored and retrieved if data contains them. Insignificant in comparisons,
primary/unique keys
Zero Length VARCHAR(0) can store '' (empty value) and NULL only

Versions: MySQL 5.x

Related Data Types in MySQL

Related data types for VARCHAR in MySQL:

CHAR(n) 0 ⇐ n ⇐ 255 Fixed-length
TINYTEXT up to 255 characters Variable-length
TEXT up to 65,535 characters
MEDIUMTEXT up to 16 Mb
LONGTEXT up to 4 Gb

MySQL VARCHAR Maximum Length

Although VARCHAR supports the maximum size at 65535 characters, the actual maximum value depends on other columns in the table and character set:

  • Maximum row size is 65535 bytes in MySQL that shared among all columns in the table, except TEXT/BLOB columns
  • A character set may require more than 1 byte per character (up to 3 bytes in UTF-8) that further limits the maximum length of VARCHAR

For example, in a UTF-8 database (default in MySQL), you can create VARCHAR column with maximum length at 21,844 characters only:

   -- UTF-8 database
   CREATE TABLE t_varchar1u
      c1 VARCHAR(21844)
   -- Table created.
   CREATE TABLE t_varchar1u2
      c1 VARCHAR(21845)
   -- Error Code: 1118. Row size too large. 
   -- The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535.

If a table contains multiple VARCHAR columns, the maximum size for each column is reduced even more:

   -- UTF-8 database
   CREATE TABLE t_varchar1u2
      c1 VARCHAR(8000),
      c2 VARCHAR(8000),
      c3 VARCHAR(8000)
   -- Error Code: 1118. Row size too large. 
   -- The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535.

Note. You can use TEXT columns to overcome the MySQL row size limit (see below).

Differences Between MySQL VARCHAR and TEXT Data Types

Both VARCHAR and TEXT can store data up to 65535 bytes, and besides the maximum length restriction on VARCHAR described above, they have other differences:

  • VARCHAR can have DEFAULT, TEXT cannot

A VARCHAR column can have a DEFAULT, while a TEXT column cannot:

  CREATE TABLE t_varchar1d
    c1 VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'A'
  -- Table created
  CREATE TABLE t_text1d
  -- Error Code: 1101. BLOB/TEXT column 'c1' can't have a default value
  • Restricting Column Length

By specifying the column size, VARCHAR(n) prevents from inserting values that exceed n characters. A TEXT column does not have such a restriction.

  • No Row Size Limit on TEXT Columns

Row size limit at 65,535 bytes does not apply to TEXT columns, and you can have multiple TEXT columns in a table that store up to 65,535 bytes each.

MySQL VARCHAR in Other Databases

Similar data types in other databases:


VARCHAR2(n) 1 ⇐ n ⇐ 4000/charsize
CLOB Up to 4 Gb Cannot be used in ORDER BY and GROUP BY

SQL Server:

VARCHAR(n | max) 1 ⇐ n ⇐ 8000 Up to 2 Gb if max is specified
TEXT Up to 2 Gb Legacy, not recommended for use


VARCHAR(n) 1 ⇐ n ⇐ 1 Gb n is 1 Gb by default
TEXT Up to 1 Gb Trailing spaces are significant in comparisons

MySQL VARCHAR Data Type Conversion to Other Databases

Convertion of VARCHAR data type:


   CREATE TABLE t_varchar1
      c1 VARCHAR(0),
      c2 VARCHAR(100),
      c3 VARCHAR(15000)


Oracle does not allow VARCHAR2(0), and the maximum length is 4,000 bytes.

Note. Although you can use Oracle CLOB columns in string functions, you cannot use them in GROUP BY and ORDER BY.

  CREATE TABLE t_varchar1
      c1 VARCHAR2(1),
      c2 VARCHAR2(100),
      c3 CLOB

SQL Server:

SQL Server does not allow VARCHAR(0), and the maximum length is 8,000 bytes:

   CREATE TABLE t_varchar1
      c1 VARCHAR(1),
      c2 VARCHAR(100),
      c3 VARCHAR(max)


PostgreSQL does not allow VARCHAR(0), but the maximum length is 1 Gb:

  CREATE TABLE t_varchar1
      c1 VARCHAR(0),
      c2 VARCHAR(100),
      c3 VARCHAR(15000)

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