ORA-00001 - Unique Constraint Violated - Oracle to SQL Server Migration

Oracle raises ORA-00001 error when an unique constraint is violated by a INSERT or UPDATE statement that attempts to insert a duplicate key. SQL Server raises error 2627 in this case.

Last Update: Oracle 11g R2 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Unique Constraint Violation in Oracle

Assume there is a table with the primary key in Oracle:


   CREATE TABLE states
      id CHAR(2) PRIMARY KEY,
      name VARCHAR2(90)
   -- Let's insert a row
   INSERT INTO states VALUES ('MO', 'Missouri');
   # 1 row created.

Now let's try to insert a row that violates the unique constraint enforced by the primary key:


   -- Assign MO instead of MT abbreviation to Montana by mistake 
   INSERT INTO states VALUES ('MO', 'Montana');
   # ERROR at line 1:
   # ORA-00001: unique constraint (ORA.SYS_C0014290) violated

You can see that ORA-00001 error is raised when an unique constraint is violated in Oracle.

Unique Constraint Violation in Microsoft SQL Server

Now let's create the same table with the primary key in SQL Server:

SQL Server:

   CREATE TABLE states
      id CHAR(2) PRIMARY KEY,
      name VARCHAR(90)
   -- Let's insert a row
   INSERT INTO states VALUES ('MO', 'Missouri');
   # 1 row created.

Now we will try to insert a row that violates the unique constraint enforced by the primary key:

SQL Server:

   -- Assign MO instead of MT abbreviation to Montana by mistake 
   INSERT INTO states VALUES ('MO', 'Montana');
   # Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
   # Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__states__3213E83FFFE97CF5'. 
   # Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.states'.
   # The duplicate key value is (MO).

SQL Server raises error 2627 with the severity level 14 when a primary key is violated.

You can also call @@ERROR function to get the error code in SQL Server:

SQL Server:

  -- Get the error code of the last Transact-SQL statement
  # 2627


Oracle 11g Release 2 Documentation

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - Books Online

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